Retro Edison filament light bulbs2.5 Inch Candy and Treats Circle Label Stickers for Party Favors & Invitations (Pre-Set Designed, 24 Labels)

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PaperLanternStore is proud to introduce our line of Designer Sticker Labels! Add some flair to your Candy Buffet or celebration with these fun and chic mini labels. Not only are the favor labels great on Treat Tables and favors, they are perfect for party invitations, thank-you notes, place cards, treat bags and much more! Choose from a large selection of designs exclusive to PaperLanternStore. Before you know it, high-quality label stickers will be delivered to your door. Ours labels are printed in-house and on an industrial printer to guarantee quality at the best possible prices to you. PaperLanternStore is the only resource that can provide:

  • Multiple Label Sticker Sizes.
  • Industry Best 24-piece Minimum Order.
  • Lowest Cost for High-Quality Label Stickers.
  • Short 5-Day Processing Time.
  • PaperLanternStore Quality.

We also offer ! Take advantage of PaperLanternStore to promote and Brand your company's products or personalize your or Event. We can also create custom paper lanterns, string lights, parasols, hand fans, battery lanterns, unique shaped lanterns, and more - Just email with your requests.